

Provisional program taking into account only the conferences and the confirmed speakers – the schedules can change slightly

Provisional programme including only confirmed sessions and confirmed speakers – times may change slightly

Core Web Vitals – Much more than just some Google metricsExpired

Marcus Tober

The Core Web Vitals might be the most important change to Googles algorithm for the next coming years. With ever growing websites, bloat and sloppy development of websites, coming back to basics and building fast and user friendly websites will influence SEO! In my session I will present the impact of websites with great and bad Core Web Vitals metrics and how much these values already influence search rankings. The audience will learn which metrics matter the most and see many examples of how the CWV can be improved. ...
03 Jun
15h20 - 16h00

Technical SEO in E-commerceExpired

Bastian Grimm

Are you managing SEO for an online shop or a retail offering? You are selling goods online or run your very own web shop? Bastian is sharing his top tips and best practices from 100+ technical SEO audits with the sole focus on making your e-commerce platform perform better in organic search. In his SEO session Bastian is talking about unique, e-commerce related SEO challenges such as how to handle product detail pages, deal with out-of-stock situations, multi-category trees, large scale indexing scenarios, faceted navigation, sorting/filtering issues and much, much more. ...
03 Jun
14h00 - 14h35

A masterclass (2)Expired

Jono Alderson

Everybody's interested in and talking about schema markup and rich snippets, but they're barely scratching the surface. I'm going to go much deeper; into how to build rich, connected graphs, how to get first-mover advantage on emerging standards, and even how to influence the standard itself ...
03 Jun
14h40 - 15h20

Indexez instantanément votre site Web sur Bing et les autres moteurs de rechercheExpired

Fabrice Canel

Bing offre une API et Plug-In pour indexer le contenu web instantanément; cet effort ne se limite pas à Bing; nous proposons aux autres moteurs de recherche un standard ouvert pour vous permettre dans un proche future d'avoir votre contenu indexé rapidement dans tous les moteur de recherche. Cette session permettra aux participants de comprendre le code et les étapes leur permettant les jours suivants d'intégrer leur CMS avec les moteur de recherche. ...
03 Jun
18h00 - 18h40

Panel – Will technical SEO ever die ?Expired

What technical SEO problems have been solved over time ? Which ones have recently emerged and why ? Are there other blocking aspects that are emerging today ? Do you think that the integration of AI and machine learning and advances in search engine algorithms will make it possible to worry less about technique tomorrow ? What place does technical SEO occupy today in the practices of website publishers and in the work of the agencies that support them ? Is working on the technical aspects of SEO useful ? necessary ? sufficient ? ...
03 Jun
19h20 - 20h00

Passer du SEO prédictif au prescriptif, le marketing automation de demainExpired

Vincent Terrasi

Depuis 2015, les approches prédictives permettent d’adapter ses stratégies SEO en priorisant en fonction des données. Désormais il existe des technologies prescriptives qui viennent vous suggérer les solutions en plus de détecter les problèmes. Des exemples très concrets vous seront donnés par rapport à des contenus dupliqués, non optimisés, périmés, disparus, mal écrit... ...
03 Jun
10h30 - 11h20
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